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Relieving the Burden on IT at Redhall Group

Arena makes IT roles easier, offering sound advice and quality account management.

About the Client

Redhall is a leading manufacturing and specialist services group. The company supports its blue chip client base using its integrated offering of design, manufacturing, and installations in the nuclear, defence, oil and gas, petrochemical, chemical, pharmaceutical, and food sectors. The division has particular expertise in design and manufacture of high integrity fire and blast doors, windows, and wall systems.

Redhall Group plc logo

The Group is recently undergoing a business strategy, which involves opening and closing sites. This means that copiers and other machines need to be moved from one site to another. Equipment is often moved throughout their UK locations as sites close and new ones open, so for Rob Sharpe, the Group’s IT Manager, the installation and management of Arena’s copiers is important.

“We stopped using laser printers, so we predominantly have copiers so we can benefit from the savings,” Rob says. “Personally I’m not bothered what brand of copier it is as long as it does the job and has a fair pricing structure. Arena offers an agreement that meets our requirements.”

Rob also tells us that Arena makes his role easier, as copiers are one less thing he has to worry about: “we do have other suppliers we forever have a constant battle with, and they don’t get renewal business with us at all.”

At the end of the lease, Arena looks at the account and will make sound recommendations based on how the machine has performed and whether a different device would do the job better. For Rob, however, a good supplier contract comes down to the account manager.

“Our account manager has helped us to understand what our devices are doing and how we can improve what we do with them – he recommends what needs to be recommended.”

Rob tells us that there’s nothing hidden in the Group’s relationship with Arena, and having their account manager work closely with them, continues to strengthen rapport.

"Our account manager understands what our estate does and he’s not always trying to sell you something. He's like an extension of the team and he’ll do his best to help me out, which is exactly what I need."

— Rob Sharpe, IT Manager

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